Tidying Services
“Tidying is a powerful tool, but it’s not the destination. The true goal of tidying is to clear away clutter so you can live the life you want.” —Marie Kondo
My Services
Clothes Tidying Session
Declutter and Right Size your entire wardrobe
In person -
Tidy Festival
Declutter and Right Size your entire home
In person -
Special Projects
In person or virtual
Private Coaching
Demonstrate & teach the KonMari Method
In person -
Guest Speaker
Present interactive workshops and training
for large and small groups
Tidying Process
The tidying process starts by holding items, one by one, and decide if they make you happy and spark joy. If you decide the item sparks joy and you want to keep it, you then give it a specific location in your home.
Tidy Festival
A Tidy Festival is where you joy-check every item in your home and decide what to keep. The key to success is to sort by category and not rooms or locations. The categories are: Clothes / Books / Paper / Komono (Misc.) / Sentimental.
Clothes Tidying Session
A Clothes Tidying Session is where you will go through every piece of clothing you own and decide which items spark joy and which are no longer of service. The result will be drawers and closets you can't wait to show your friends as well as being a perfect way to try out the method and working with me.