How KonMari Works
The KonMari Method® is about choosing What To Keep.
It is an intentional and compassionate method that helps you build your decision-making muscles with less personal items first, so you can be at your strongest when you get to the sentimental items.
For example, if you’ve ever started working out after a long break, you know how tired and sore you feel that first week. However, as you stay with your program, exercising gets easier and you start feeling physically and emotionally stronger, happier and more confident.
Clutter is the result of unmade decisions.
The same results – including actual decluttering – happen when following the KonMari tidying method. That is why we never do the sentimental stuff first, like photos, carefully curated collections, or family antiques. It would be like trying to run around a track six times and doing 100 push-ups on your first day.
Trusting the KonMari tidying process and following the KonMari Method® works.
You just need to begin!